When a man master baits by tazoring his penis
Guy 1: what was with all the noise in the Bathroom?
Guy 2: Oh that? i pulled a Rapid Worm
Guy 1: Ewe that's Nasty
by Sk8erinhuman November 18, 2010
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When using opioid substances or a number of drugs for years , one develops a tolerance and can use large quantities. When abstinent for a period of time and restarting use of the drug, the same tolerance that took years to develop, is achieved rapidly, in a few days.
Joe blo suffers from Rapid Tolerance Syndrome and after 1 year in recovery and starting back on heroin, he was back up to 1 gram doses within a week.
by Jimi7849 February 4, 2022
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1.The nonexistent problem that is supposedly caused by human beings, where carbon dioxide is in the air due to the burning of fossil fuels that is very unlikely to happen. Scientists think that the earth will be uninhabitable by 2300 , which is very false . The earth heats slowly, assholes.

2. To rapidly morb.

3.A theory.
1.Rapid Global Warming is supposedly destroying our economy.

2.He has rapidly global warmed his own enemies by sucking the blood out of them.

3.The rapid global warming is just life.
by Broken knife June 14, 2022
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A false statement that describes Earth rapidly heating up because of human activity .
However, science has proven this wrong. Because the earth is not heating up rapidly , but slowly . Like, life will not go on after 10,000 years.
News: Earth is dying due to rapid global warming and racism!
Me: One, Earth is heating slowly, and two, get help.
Rapid global warming
by Broken knife June 13, 2022
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Rapider is
Rapider is strong
you can not fight Rapider
Rapider is there
Rapider is loud
P1: Hey, do you Rapider?
P2: *Dies*
by Rapider December 26, 2019
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Rapid is a place where people make pp jokes, act like their gonna fight someone and back out and where girls get dress coded everyday. The sports teams are not that good.
Did you hear that crack head at rapid run middle school got suspended
by Rambalz September 28, 2021
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An accommodation option to move from point A to point B because you don't have access to cars and motorcycles in Kuala Lumpur,


just willing to accommodate it as alternative to cars and motorcycles although it is not so convenience


accommodate it due to free ride exempted by the government since you are boring at home wanting to go out but don't know where to go


accommodate it when new train route is open to public, just wanna try it at least once in your life since our life is short
Human A: ''Do you know RFID KL?".
Human B: "What? Rapid KL la. Not RFID KL". RFID KL is the one we use at toll plaza.
by donyusyorrielnem September 14, 2022
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