A person who is retarded and has double block math and juul's alot so he can act cool.
by Nathanjuuls May 16, 2019
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A person with a micropenis and fucks dudes
Friend 1: dude Nathan is such a gay name

Friend2: so is the name Derek
by AllNathansRGay June 11, 2019
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A handsome man, normally dark haired and tanned, has great style and taste and can get any girl he likes. A Nathan is a Pro at mostly every sport, especially football! His appearance gives him the impression of being a 'bad man' but really he is the nicest guy you could ever meet; sweet; caring; lovable and gives the best hugs. He may not be the smartest of the group, or the most inteligent, but most definatly has the nicest personality. Also, he has a HUGE cock and the best body EVER! Allthough a Nathan seems quite innocent, he can have a different side to him; Being non-trustworthy and a bit of payer. However a Nathan is one of a kind, so hold on to them forever!
Girl; oh i really want a boyfriend...
Girl2; oh my god, you need to get a Nathan, they are the purfect!
by Anonagaintehe April 19, 2011
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Nathan is a name in the Bible, he was a minor prophet. Nathan is a person who can be trusted and loved. He will possibly be the best person you've ever met. He is a handsome, nice, intelligent, calm, outgoing, persistent, and strong willed.
Whoa there's Nathan
by MinecraftMinion54 December 3, 2016
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Nathan- A large penis that will not fit into a woman’s Vagina even with immense force.
“Damn you cock is a Nathan

nathan stop putting your Nathan inside my bum hole

“I love a good Nathan in the morning”
by PronerBone December 13, 2018
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A great guy with a giant dick! A hot guy with one hell of a brain. Nathan's are not only quite easy on the eyes but comforting and always know what to say. Nathan's are total catches. Tons of sex apeal but also that shoulder to cry on. If you get a Nathan hold onto him, he will give you so much love and never let you go.
I had this thing going with a Nathan but I think I love him!
by 1234567890-/;(($&@".,?!' March 14, 2017
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One who has an insanely large cock. Knows how to use it, but chooses not to, for the health and well being of many women.
Stacey, omg what happened, why are you in a wheel chair? Nathan, he's what happened. All. Night. Long.
by P-dittylongshlong February 26, 2016
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