Justin is a gay guy with a small dick, and is a shy non social fucker. If you ladies don't watch out he will suck your husbands dick! He is the biggest fagot ever! He always takes it up the ass!
by Big dick jog your!!! June 11, 2017
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When you shit in a brown paper bag, light it on fire, ring the doorbell and run, the person comes out side and steps on the shit.(: Justins also smelll like shit
by suck my balls justin December 18, 2010
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V. The act of taking advantage of a girl who is under the influence of alcohol. Other forms include justining or justined
Friend 1-" Watch out for that kid over there. I heard he likes to take advantage of drunk chicks."
Friend 2-" What a Justin!"
by Montalvo, Kevin April 7, 2009
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A toxic substance that, when ingested in large amounts, causes one to act out of the ordinary
Under the influence of Justin, he causes normally smart people to ignore the good things that are in front of them.
by ohsuchaheartbreaker April 18, 2010
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A type of idiot who looks extremely ugly, they always stutter and has poor understanding to what people said. Those people are usually watching HENTAI (Japanese porn) or google searching 'Thomas the Tank Engine Porn' during class. They usually have numb legs and are slow at running, which normal people runs around 5 times faster than them.
He's so Justin like!
by Justin Chow April 22, 2015
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