The act(s) of shoving your foot so deep inside a vagina or asshole, they start to moaningly say fug
oh fug YES go Deeper!!!

Hey do you want to start fugging?
by Carpet_4_69 December 2, 2020
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When you come in a girl's pussy so much she starts vomiting it and drinking it again
Me and my girl did a little bit of Fugging last night
by id-fucking-c December 2, 2020
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When you try to fuck but end up humping
He was confident but all they did was fugging
by Obi Wan Kenobi 94 December 2, 2020
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When a girl has diarrhea right as you creampie her, resulting in a mixture of shit and cum exploding out of her ass
by yolo$wag24 December 2, 2020
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Fugging means stuffing your testicles into a pudding.
- bro I was fugging yesterday and naw I can’t feel my dick
by Redcum December 2, 2020
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The act of humping a video game controller in order to have sex with a video game character.
Me: i just got back from fugging Felicity from Animal Crossing last night and it was great
friend: yeah we know shes your waifu you dont have to brag
me: shes not my waifu shes my girlfriend
friend: whatever
by VictoryJamz December 4, 2020
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1. Attempted heterosexual intercourse which, due to inebrity or incompetence, goes wrong and can (but not always) result in santorum.
2. A village in Austria.
GF came over but I was wasted - we thought we were fucking but it turns out we were fugging which is why I am now trying to clean the santorum off the sheets.
by TPWNN November 28, 2020
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