He steals de hoes and has the biggest six-pack ever. He is the most sexiest man ever
Anton is better looking than Ethan
by Cheeto bot 123 November 27, 2019
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A god beyond god his understanding of the universe is unmatched as he is the creator of everything. He is referred to a monkey but that is not true as he has to appear in that form otherwise our mere eyes wold not be able to handle his godly being and we would instantly die.
Oh my god Ethan how did you Create the Universe .
IDK i was bored and horny.
by Ethan is a god of gods April 3, 2019
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Ethan means big Dick and always gets pussy
Ethan will always get pussy
by Bigdickethan November 9, 2020
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An Anime God who knows all anime and is absolute in everything he does. He can Ora Ora anyone who defies him and meme anything he wants. His anime counterpart is Natsu Dragneel.
wow Ethan cannot be stopped
by NatsuDK November 19, 2018
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Probably practices Witchcraft,voodoo,and spells in his spare time. ( because he cursed me with a headache today.)
Ethan: i gave you a headache
by russianboi August 29, 2019
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Ethan is a kid who always has to be the center of attention. He's loud, obnoxious, but strangly funny in a weird-kid-with-a-school-shooter-style-haircut kind of way. He regularly caresses the inner thigh of seals and smokes busted goo with his pals from 'Nam. Calvin Klein model in the making. You can usually find him chilling in the back of Uncle Melvin's van, or in Uncle Tom's cabin with Troy Mann. All in all, "good" friend to have.
by Nah fan September 12, 2017
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