An alcoholic beverage which has achieved some level of notariety on cape cod. The drink contains one part vodka and two parts prune juice.
Waiter: can I start you off with something to drink?

Matt: 2 bum bum waterfalls, a cup of ice, and the largest trash bag you find, and hurry up, we're trying to get off vape before the morning rush; what're you having Andrew?

Andrew: please don't get that for him.
by Ivana vp March 31, 2020
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adj; incredibly cool, unusually awesome, uniquely fun; life-changing.
that party was so bum!
by samrex October 5, 2008
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Lmao bum bum is used as a response to a meaningful text a way to truly shut down the individual who is pouring their heart out for you.
Alexia: I really love you and I want you to be my boyfriend

Ahoora: lmao bum bum nigga
Alexia: Damn, if that's how you feel.
by Boouty November 1, 2018
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(v.) To love something, often sycophantically.
1. This song's great, you'd bum it so much
2. He likes Star Wars because he bums George Lucas
by MarkJohnson January 31, 2007
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The insertion of your cock into someones tight (often crusty) braided arsehole...i hope you bought some vaseline
I'm gonna BUM you...softly...*EEEP*
You put the ming in bumming
by Bommerous Qouous January 7, 2004
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1. a homeless person
2. a person who sponges off of other people
3. saif
person 1: "dude, i totally saw a bum on the corner today!...the saif kind!!"
person 2: "ohhh that sucks!"
by emilie :) January 28, 2011
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