-in reference to written works
a literary genre in which the author strings together large words and relatively advanced vernacular in order to make his subject seem important but in actuality he makes no point at all.
dude I totally bullshitted that last english paper
by The_Elusive_Janteeee May 5, 2003
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oh bugger! looks like i just trod in a steaming fresh heap of bullshit. yup. thats what it was. bullshit.
by Bovine Faecal Man March 12, 2004
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(v.) an ability acquired by many students to create answers out of thin air and making it sound legitimate.

(n.) sometimes an outrageous and unbelievable thing called out by people.

Teacher: Dave, you did such an excellent job on your essay. And for it you got the highest grade.
Dave: Thank you, teacher! *when teacher walks away, Dave looks at his friend* Dude, I honestly didn't think I'd do well on it. I had no idea what to write and just bullshited it.

Alex: Yo! Einstein just got a hovercraft for his birthday!
Peter: Bullshit!
by koreankid1028 September 1, 2010
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A term entailing the red tape of society. The MANS tool to keep you down.
registering for classes...thats the bullshit
by Yosip September 30, 2006
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The place where I work
- “are you working today”
- “Bullshit
by durrson online September 10, 2004
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