An extreamly hot guy that is completely and utterly amazing. He is always true to his word and is very smart, he is just the right kind f person that is willing to be there for you when you need someone the most.
"Did you hear that Brennan Joseph Russo so came over to help me after what happoned to my mom, he's so nice."
by thehelpfullguy November 29, 2011
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A gay man that likes firefighters and history. Is a complete dipshit, and is absolute shite at video games. He is a complete pervert that prays on people of all ages
Person 1: "Ew who is that"
Person 2: "That guy is a total Brennan Krebs"
by kihayamsredwood September 5, 2022
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When a nigga is so deluded by the elusion of self ego, pride he begins to act unorthodoxly in a way that eludes all logical sense.
by Jukeem September 20, 2022
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Using your hook shaped cock to go fishing or fuck a dogs anus. Most likely the dog.
Let’s brennans curved penis today! Seems fun
by MassiveHorseJay March 9, 2022
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When you ignore someone that you care deeply for.
Oh no! Sam just pulled The Brennan!! He's ignored me for 2 weeks now.
by Maroooon February 2, 2021
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He is commonly known amonst his colleagues as a dosser and a Karen. He constantly complains about anything he gets the chance to. Brennan is a chelsea hooligan who believes that they are better than every other team in existence. He often cries and shouts in disbelief when they lose a game (which is quite a common occurance). Brennan is required to drink at least 5 litres of caffeine per day or he will be moodier than he already is. Brennan takes joy in ruining other peoples day and watching them suffer. He despises poor people and often looks down on them from his high horse.
by e.Trapz April 25, 2023
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Faith is a jaw dropping girl. She is so incredibly beautiful and talented. she dose not accept it though. She brings a smile to my face every time i see her and i wish i could do the same for her. She denies any compliment we give her saying she is the exact opposite. Its kinda disappointing because she dose not realize how amazing she is but i guess that's also a good thing because that means she's always pushing herself to be better. i don't even see how this is possible. how can she get even better? because you are perfect to me faith and you always will be no matter what. I love you faith.
by gui9999 March 6, 2017
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