jeremy is a chill ass nigga that has had hoes but dropped all of them and got ah big ass dick also jeremy is just a fun person to be around with he’s funny asf and will have you laughing
wow that jeremy dude really got inches on him

wow jeremy is really funny let’s sit with him at lunch

jeremy bliss is cool
by Bellport High August 30, 2019
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Gettin lost in some good memories

Also a song by P.M. Dawn
Jimmothy: Yo? You listenin’?
Jimmothy JR: Nah, I’m Set Adrift on Memory Bliss, my bad dawg
Jimmothy: It’s all good
by Den322 July 23, 2023
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Blissful Panda is a twitch user with (At The Time) 1 follower, that being her best friend, RievexMay. She moderates for RievexMay and is pretty much unknown. As of today, all we know about Blissful Panda is that her name is Aubrey.
"Who's Blissful Panda?"
"Oh, She's RievexMay's Moderator. Shes cool."
by DepressedDepression June 1, 2023
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The final feeling you get before you overdose on a hard drug
N:”dude did you hear peep died?”

K:”yeah i wonder if he got his Twilight bliss...”
by Jojsanders September 10, 2020
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its like lean except you put molly percocet and lsd in it its sold in texas bayous hence the name bayou bliss
by FemboyPebis July 31, 2021
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A horrible, horrible play that was performed at the UCF One Act Festival.
Did you see Perpetual Bliss?

Yeah, that show sucked. It was like an episode of "The Office" but without the good acting or witty writing.
by thehonestone12 April 12, 2009
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The feeling experienced when a sticker being removed from an item (usually newly bought) peels away flawlessly, leaving no excess sticker or adhesive residue on the item.

The feeling has been reported to be better than any human emotion and/or high experienced through narcotics. Can potentially cause fatal cases of gush and squirt.
Tom - "F#ck dude, got some chronic sticker bliss the other day. Was so intense I voided my bowels and broke into violent seizure. It was awesome."

Harry - "Sh!t man."
by Dddrraaaaaaa March 5, 2013
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