Refers to the agonized feelings/actions --- i.e., extremes of "pain and pleading" that may include severe stomach-cramping, extended bouts of tearful wailing/imploring for more-filling menu-choices, etc. --- of a "pork 'n' poultry" lover who is unexpectedly being forced to "go vegetarian" or otherwise follow a much "leaner and blander" diet than the rich-flavored grease-and-carbs-laden feasts that he'd been accustomed to chowing down.
(from author Steven Kellogg's "modernized" version of the classic children's tale "Chicken Little"): After being convicted of assorted heinous carnivorous crimes, bacon-'n'-eggs-loving Foxy Loxy was totally in the throes of tortured "achin' 'n' begs" when he learned that his diet in prison would consist of green-bean gruel and weed-juice.
by QuacksO June 24, 2019
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A Beggar who begs for anything and everything you ever had, have now or ever will have.
That Beg-O-Bot standing on the Freeway off ramp holding a carboard sign is such a creep give it a penny and it will show up on your front door begging for the aluminum beer cans from the cold pack you just bought at Kroger 10 minutes ago and cash money for the homeless shelter it lives in.
by Blacky9er#7 November 26, 2013
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A way to express mild to extreme confusion (or offense) at someone else's words. Identical usage to excuse me. First coined by a DJ.
Wow, that is one great booty!

Beg Your Parents On A Bended Knee ?


Beg Your Parents On A Bended Knee?
by Mysterious DJ July 24, 2020
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The begging emoji (🥺) Is an emoji used by 5 year olds on Twitter asking something to be free in a video game. For example: you go on Minecraft's Twitter to see what's new, you open the latest tweet and head over to the replies, and you come across a five year old asking for minecraft to be free. Really annoying.
7 year old: plzzzz make minecraft free I cant afford it 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Me: you can't just ask anything for free, kid, not with all of those begging emojis
by Wolf_Gamer May 19, 2021
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in English it basically means you have high authority over someone or something.
Like a dictator or royalty.
-beg ne-bob
by PartyPerson2345 April 28, 2023
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A practice of writing comments designed for as wide of a target audience as possible, without any intent other than to get a maximum number of likes, or in other cases using emotionally manipulative statements that rely on guilt for the sole purpouse of getting people to like your comment.

Has become unbelievably common a practice recently, haunting most comment sections on YouTube
Like begging examples:

- "One like one prayer for the dog"

- "Whos watching in 2021"
by GnocchiWithTomatoSauce February 7, 2021
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