a Gleamer that does not really play any game other than Overwatch or Minecraft. They constantly judge you for your game selection and will get mad when you like a game other than Overwatch or Minecraft, and will refuse to play anything else. They are mostly into gaming because of the male attention from horny 14 year olds and Redditors.
No, dude, don't fall for it. Shes totally a Gamer Gleamer, I asked her what games she played and she couldn't name more than 2.
by BleasheeVor September 22, 2019
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when a person loves gamer girls a little too much.

symptoms may include:
- simping for e girls
- being named Henry
guy 1: omg I LOVE gamer girls so much
guy 2: you have gamer girl fetish
by snowflakefrosted January 9, 2022
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When you witness someone play or achieve something in a video game and become jealous. You may possibly drop everything you were doing to indulge in your need to game, but you might not stop until you achieve your goal or see the morning sun rise.
Hey, my friend found an Elytra in the Minecraft server before I could! I've got a serious case of gamer envy; I need to hop online and find one as soon as possible!
by Lucky Crown January 13, 2022
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Use banners in Minecraft as waypoints on your map.
A: You have to use banners so we know where our pigfarm is.
B: Wait, what do you mean?
A: You can use banners on maps you dumb fuck.
B: *brain explodes*
A: Thats gamer rule 2964.
by MinekindHD October 23, 2019
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Use banners in Minecraft as waypoints on your map.
A: You have to use banners so we know where our pigfarm is.
B: Wait, what do you mean?
A: You can use banners on maps you dumb fuck.
B: *brain explodes*
A: Thats gamer rule 2964.
by MinekindHD October 23, 2019
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something that happens to a gamer when a multiple series of events happen in a unfortunate matter

when a gamer finally gets his way in a game that usually ends up torturing the other player
by annonymous 1223 XD April 9, 2016
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Noun; State of sitting down for a quick gaming session, then looking up to find 5-24 hours has passed since you've ate shit or moved.
Dude I was about to go on a date but I got gamer delirium and ended up slappin it at 5 am instead.
by americanaverage March 3, 2014
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