This is a untold of child of Hanabusa Aido. He is never mentioned by the Vampire Knight writer though. Niall Hunter's birth mother was a witch. His father didn't know about him until Niall's 18th birthday. He was adopted by his mother friend. His name Niall Hunter, is just Hunter Niall backwards. Hunter Niall was Niall's mother's favorite book character.
(no examples to show for Niall Hunter)
by Alize Raye June 6, 2013
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So keesha is a big shit whole who don't shave cause it keeps her warm has f.a.n.n.y pic on her phone She has no taste in boys or girls but she is a cat flap 🐈 she loves this boy called ryan Howells but she never admits it and she has shagged her sisters fiance a couple of times but we all just ignore that cause she has done some proper tramps on higher fold
Look it's keesha hunter I'm sure she's a cat flap
by Unknown to yall November 18, 2019
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A sexy ass BEAST... always has chicks on his dick and some how the smartest man on earth at the same time.
by SLIM BASSTARD August 29, 2017
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A person who signs up to all relevant and irrelevant events and conferences for the sake of food , round-trips or hotel accommodations offered in these conferences
Most of the participants in this conference are conference hunters. They don't have much interest in the conference content. They are here for the free round-trip, accommodation, and free food
by Uncle Ali March 28, 2020
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A person who pisses and shits in his hunting buddies gaped anus, then proceeds to have sexual intercourse with said anus.
Dude, last night while I was hunting, I performed a Mississippi Hunters Bucket on Cletus.
by JewSnapper December 30, 2019
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Person 1: Hel-
Hunter Graham-Raford: haha FUNNY!!!!!!!!!
Person 1: ._.
by Clavichord 21 March 3, 2022
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A mobile game that was released to encourage fat fucks to get off their asses and go outside.
Guy 1: Hey man I just downloaded Monster Hunter Now.
Guy 2: Good, you need the exercise you fucking beach ball.
by The_Violator702 September 27, 2023
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