a rank refereed to in the address as "Commander *NAME" or "Captain *NAME*" being that it was for more practical application of intuitive command in highest regardings,

a commander of captains, therefore a battle master and elite appointed leader of roguest battle squadrons

refer then. a very high functioning intellect of life and death scenario, given in military
us. marine corps
"Names among the dozen the kid Kyle rescued has been made an honorary captain commander of the marine corps, Commander Soren and they're freaking out he's a mastermind freedom fighter? they SAY anarchist, but he's really cool, and trusted, so duh."
by Setsuko Kaguya December 24, 2018
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Noun: A term for one who is wearing a zip-down hoodie with the zip open completely by only the hood on their head (very often notably with no shirt), leaving the arm flaps and the rest of the hoodie to hang behind them as pseudo tribal decoration. Often associated with individuals in this attire performing wildcard stunts and impromptu executive decisions

Verb: To assume the form as described in the noun and perform crackhead and crackhead-esque actions with urgency
Never get in a swamp fight with a captain crackhead - noun
If you don't give me my 25 cents back as a quarter I will captain crackhead this elf on the shelf - verb
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This is when a person introduces a conversational topic with others only to have a conversational pirate hijack the topic leaving the person marooned on a conversational island. Smoke signaled by, "What were we talking about?" "How did we get on this topic?" or "Oh..." if they even remember said person was talking.
Amy: I really love that song by...
Owen: I was in choir in College. I think we sang that song!
Blake: Bro, I didn't know you could sing? *sarcasm* Do you ever stop?
Owen: Did I tell you about my solo senior year? It was cray.

Amy was Captain Jacked.
by Lovsatellite July 19, 2018
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A tiff, someone who is always sits in the zen position
Stop being such a El captain penis wrinkle
by Dr tippydick July 21, 2022
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A tiffani homentowski, someone who is always sits in the zen position
Stop being such a El captain penis wrinkle
by Dr tippydick July 21, 2022
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When you’ve eaten so much ass they you claim the deserve the mantle of the booty captain
You are the jack sparrow of eating ass, you are the booty captain
by Lil pingu March 25, 2018
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