1. A bacon flavored condom. With extra sour cream.

2. Moonshine loves being wrapped in bacon!

3. When the police place you in handcuffs.
1. Hey honey can you grab some bacon wraps from the store for tonight?

2. I'm moonshine duhh! Farm chickens!!!

3. Man I hate you pigs don't slap those bacon wraps on me!
by GuardianAngelMoonshine January 24, 2019
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The phenomenon of having a rambling conversation which ends on the same topic that it originated with.
Conversation: I need a food processor—to discussion of recipes-to discussion of another unrelated topic about wanting to buy a house—to expenses of inflation and market prices-to I should be chopping vegetables for dinner-ending with chopping vegetables would be faster with a food processor.

I Kevin Baconed it.
by Startdust April 21, 2023
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a taco sell mad from bacon
Cace: Dude i just had the best bacon taco in my life
by Carl Bob III May 28, 2014
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uncultured swine who is so immature and doesn't moderate well at all
damn bro that bacon gaming doesn't know what a cock is
by MD4 July 24, 2020
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Very similar to a Rick Santorum, only using bacon grease as lubricant, causing the mixture to accrue a distinct bacon flavor.
After I gave Ron Paul a Bacon Santorum, he claimed that it tasted like bacon.
by Riley Decko January 29, 2012
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In edds opinion...

The best sh*t ever created
"Hey edd can i have some bacon cola too?-"

*intense hissing from edd*
by Renowo June 26, 2021
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Partitive expresion and idiom which means portions of bacon. As easy as that, you can also use it with eggs
How many rashers of bacon would you like with your breakfast?
by StreetMutt May 5, 2015
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