This is the common phrase for the Jasminda falls in the shower and eats her dog
Lol @Jasminda you just got #dick in your mouth
by Great Giti April 16, 2020
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So good it broke your mouth. Spanish expression from Uruguay.
Malcom's burger is so good it will break your mouth.
by Black House December 5, 2017
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so dont say this a south game it means suck some ones pp
thats a little south in your mouth
by vtims December 9, 2020
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so dont say this a south game it means suck some ones pp
thats a little south in your mouth
by vtims December 9, 2020
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Urging someone to speak, sing, or write so that they can be heard or understood more clearly
You need to get the marbles out of your mouth — I could barely hear that last verse.
by Lazarus Online December 10, 2022
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Used when one or more people are continuously talking nonsense, while one is trying to gain attention.
Mikey: Yo reach casino tonight?
Jamie: Oh yeaa? i got 50 bucks
Mikey: yaa, i got no cash.

Mikey: Can you spot me 25? i'll give you that best buy certificate.
Mikey: We're getting sluts tonightt.
Massimo:yeeeoooooo, ima need that 20 Jamie.
Matt: naawww yooo i got work tomorrow
Alan: I got liquor..
Jamie: Fallsview shuttle arrives in 10 minutes.
by Pastfarian November 30, 2010
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