easy ezzy and mutha fuckn milana..
will wait last minute
doing the funniest and stupidest things..
then finish everything about 2 minutes before due(:
wow they have fun.
of course they do, theyre procrastinators(;
by ezzy the mexican ninja July 30, 2011
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An essential thing to do during projects.
I mean, the project is due in 2 days... but I'm the greatest procrastinator in the world. I'll do it tomorrow. Procrastination king!
by ZappingThunder May 4, 2018
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I'll write this sentence later, not that this is procrastination or anything.
by Spider._.Webster June 12, 2017
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Ironically what both you and I are doing right now! Common for long nights of studying for chemistry, math, English, Spanish, and eventually caving in to the crap that is public school and college. I am procrastinating while writing a definition of procrastinating. You were the one to look up procrastinating in the first place, so you don't even need a definition, although I gave it to you anyway.
Procrastinating: What you were doing while reading that long ass definition!

What I was doing while writing that long ass definition.

Should probably get to work now...
by CookPu69 January 16, 2014
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