
Literally: In reference to an impact of any kind, used jokingly to express disbelief in magnitude of force.

Figuratively: References a mess or inextricably confused situation.
My girlfriend heard something from someone else who was spreading rumors about me, and now she doesn't believe me when I try to deny the rumors. Plus, my mom tried to have me arrested for wearing my older brother's shirt, so that doesn't help my credibility. Explode-o-tron.
by Ryan Dawson January 3, 2005
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The term for when a man is about to ejaculate, can be used in the following phrases, my sausage has exploded, my sausage is going to explode, it has exploded, therefore covering a young lady in jizz
Oh my god you'd are so sexy my sausage is going to explode all lo ver you
by Lesstatt June 30, 2013
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1) a threat used by a bomber where they force their hostages to spill out classified information or else they get blown up
2) ironic/satirical statement for when you just want someone to shut up but they keep on blathering on about stuff you don't care about
Bank robber: *rips the duct tape off of Karen's mouth* Give me the code to the safe
Karen: *cries* I won't let you do this!!!!
Bank robber: Shut up! Now keep talking and nobody explodes!!


Her: .......sitting on this balcony and I wanted to talk to him but couldnt but then I drank a glass of wine and I did but ended up talking to another guy who seemed cool and so I blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah........ and we took a selfie together.
Me: *nods head impatiently* Oh ok
Her: oh and which reminds me I also met this other guy--
Me, seething with impatience: Yes..... Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes...... 🙃
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 22, 2021
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Someone who has to high a post count on a message board
'He's Exploding Plastic Inevitable, I wish he'd get of that computer'
by Prof Knowitall January 7, 2004
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An ovary's primary function is to produce the female reproductive cells, or ova. They also secrete the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, which regulate menstruation and control the development of the sex organs. When an egg matures, it is released and passes into the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If the ovum is fertilized by the male reproductive cell or sperm, conception happens and pregnancy begins. An ovary is normally firm and smooth and is about the size of an almond.

The phrase "my ovaries just exploded" is a reference mostly said by women after seeing an adorable baby or small child. The idea behind it is very similar to the other closely related definitions (seeing/sensing someone attractive and thus producing more estrogen); however, this is specifically tied to a biological drive or need for bearing children. This is not to say someone using this phrase wants to have a child, or doesn't already, but it is an exclamatory statement proving how incredibly physiologically motivating seeing adorable children are on those desires.
Example 1:

Alex: Let me show you a picture of my 6 month old dressed up as a lady bug for Halloween...
Samantha: OMG that is so adorable...My ovaries just exploded.
Alex: WHAT?! Are you ok?
Samantha: HA! Nothing is wrong. Your daughter is just too cute!!

Example 2:

Kristine: Did you see those bulldog puppies licking the face of my niece.
Brittney: Seriously. My ovaries just exploded. Puppies and Babies. Ridiculous.
Kristine: I know. I can't decide which is cuter.
by dixie_belle November 4, 2013
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Finally had enough and "lost it";

Kept it all inside until one day just couldn't take it anymore and blew up
I had kept the hurt and anger penned up for so long, I just couldn't take it any more. I finally "exploded like George's wallet!"
by washedup January 22, 2011
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The act of male genetalia detonating as a result of sexual intercourse (ejaculation), or C4.
Holy shit my penis is exploding

*while having sex* Girl my penis just exploded!
by The AWESOME DUDE!!! September 23, 2009
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