A guy with a super small dick and isn't circumcised doesn't get no girls and gets fuck all day
That gay guy is a Robert
by A girl who is a major faget March 13, 2016
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The biggest player you will ever meet. He'll lie just to get with you and then use you. never trust ANYONE named Robert Morsch.
by fuckyourobertmorsch August 25, 2011
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A special type of human species that revolves around buying wooden ladies. Diagnosed with salt-syndrome. Continues to deny, but actually has an Indian wife while cheating with a lady in a storage unit.
Guy: Dude, why are you so salty? It was just a new Symmetra rework.
Guy 2: Nah, it's okay, he is just being a Robert.
by TheOneAndOnlyRobot July 17, 2018
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Robert is a little bitch who gets no girls he has no dick he is fat as hell and ugly as hell he is the most annoying person ever and is gay
Robert sucks dick for free !!!
by Chicken nuggets123456 April 10, 2019
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Bitchass nigga who can’t get a hold of himself constantly crashing into problems and leaving them unsolved like a pussy
guy 1: Who that new kid

guy 2: he look like a bum

guy 1: must be a robert
by TUM0RT1CKL3R July 29, 2018
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Teenager1: "Hey did you see the cute new kid."
Teen2:"Yeah. He's called Robert"
by #youwish February 10, 2019
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A guy who is indescribable in a bad way. He wears his top inside out and is annoying and more annoying case closed
*person one being annoying *
Person two : stop being a Robert
by Beththebitcg May 9, 2019
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