kira’s drunk, lesbian alter-ego
Kyra was really in her feels that night...
by yourmom345627 November 1, 2020
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Kyra is a self centered back stabbing bitch
She will do everything she can to ruin your life.

Especially stir drama around
She is someone you don’t want in your life

Watch out for kyra.
Is that kyra? She is such a drama filled cunt
by Cocksuckerducker November 6, 2022
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Kyra is an amazing girl that is awesome but also very grumpy sometimes. She is smart, beautiful and Asian.

Her soulmates name starts O or A

She’s great at dancing and popping
Person: Kyra! Hi!

Kyra: >:( go away
by 1a2b3c4d5e5 February 26, 2020
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rude selfish inteligent mean loyal but brakes her hart on one friend but never knowing
by crystal moon star bloom May 14, 2019
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Kyra is optimistic and hates conflict. she can't handle being alone all the time. Bring her to your house! She'll charm the pants off your family!
Did you know Kyra is japanese for... KiLLeR
Friend: That is kyra. everyone likes her
Guy: holy shit.
by sakuraamari1037 December 20, 2017
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Kyra. Goddess energy condensed in human form. Bite sized dynamite.

She is the moon shining brightly in the darkest of nights.
Her smile lights up rooms , voice as soothing as coffee on a rainy evening.
She is breathtakingly beautiful. But that beauty doesn't end where her curves do.
Her mind Is beautiful, along with a heart that is pure gold.
Basically an angel.

The other half of a transcendent love.
If this were Genshin Impact , she'd be the best looking character by far and the rarest ,once in a life time pull.
She can bring one to tears with her humor.
After you meet her, you'll forget anyone else existed before her.


To feel her love is to experience paradise.
Kyra ? Oh ,you mean the woman of your dreams that you'll never have coz she's Jonah's ? Oh yeah. She foine.
by Artorias of the Abyss July 21, 2022
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kyra is challenging. she is someone who can care very deeply but the moment she feels like she cares too much, she decides to not care at all. she doesn't put any time into being there for you but expects a lot from you or else she might think whatever your relationship (they don't like commitment either) is one sided and you are the one being toxic. Like I said...very confusing. But at the same time they are very funny, quirky, loves to listen to indie music and watches netflix. So if you meet a Kyra have them be a friend but not a close one unless your friendship dynamic is strong.
"Kyra told me her favorite crime is tax fraud, isn't she hilarious?"

"If someone were to go to jail for a dare, it'd be Kyra!"
by nmillzlol December 24, 2020
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