It is when someone who gets pounded aggressively after coming out from the intensive care unit for just about a second and goes back to bed.
Spike dudley just got kamikaze choke slammed after he was awake from his coma by his beloved brothers.
by Rappercracker August 7, 2020
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It is when a girl poops on your face and then follows with urinating on your shit stained face. She then uses her hair to mop and cleanse the dirt away leaving your skin feeling hydrated.
I told her I needed a new face cleanser, and she gave me The Kamikaze Steam Mop! I smell like poo but my face is blemish free!
by NW and BJ February 20, 2014
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The act of vomitting onto a group of people.
Freddy ran into the crowded room and had a ferocious kamikaze vomit comet all over the place.
by Carl C March 20, 2008
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The Rental Skaters (brown rental skates) found at United Skates of America particularly on Saturday nights, they are extremely deadly and must be approached with caution. They will knock you down, blame it on you, and then go get their cousins nieces sister to fight you. They knock down all the trash cans, spill icees on the floor, smear every bodily fluid imaginable on the bathroom walls, and throw up westside during every song. It doesnt matter if Sean and Fred play country music, soon the sounds of "WEST WEST" will drown out all music. They also like to go in the middle of the floor and hump the ground. we call this cleaning the floor. They will fly across the flow of traffic in the opposite direction, destroying everything in their path and then act like nothing happened. If you try to eject them from the rink, they either run away and hide or try to fight chuck the cop, who is the oldest officer in the building. If you encounted one of these skaters, stay as far away as possible.
*kamikaze bobo skater flys across the floor right in front of alex*
*alex stumbles*
David: NO!!!! *grabs alex*
Alex: You just saved my life! I just had a near death experience!
by stardustalex March 25, 2007
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When the male rams there penis into the girls anal cavity so hard the males genitalia melts in her anus
I ramed my girl so hard i gave her a kamikaze butt hole
by Kamikaze bootycheeks October 21, 2013
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Someone in a social media group having a complete mental breakdown that posts comments lashing out at named and unnamed individuals (shitposts) drawing the ire of the group who then pile on the abuse drowning the shitposter until they quit or get banned
Karen was so upset someone fact-checked her meme she lashed out at everyone with a string of nonsensical tirades exposing herself as a kamikaze shitposter
by Addison Starkweather February 20, 2023
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