When your penis sticks up and it feels like it’s gonna poke out of your pants
Susan - Jeez Noah you sure are having a hatched arm right now huh?

Ya Susan this shit happens all the time that teacher is so fucking hot
by 04793619375$;@:972 October 25, 2020
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Leading the way to success and greatness.

A man who is destined for fortune and fame in the world horse racing game.

Mr Hatch has been so successful.
by Stud70 March 7, 2018
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When you need a poo. You can feel it almost ready to come out. It’s growing inside and you know it’s going to be a good one 👍
Hey Steve, you haven’t been for a dump for a while”

“ I’m just hatching a havana “ 😜
by Miles Away Boy January 10, 2022
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An ass that's so gaped, everything falls out like bomb hatch doors on a plane.
Man that guy takes real fast shits, must have a real hatch ass.
by Limu emu September 3, 2020
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When eating Kraft singles, poking a hole in it and sticking your tongue through the hole.
While stuck in traffic, I saw a girl with a hatching chick in her mouth.
by Johnny Feyev November 3, 2011
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