A Player on Call of Duty who camps in a corner with a shield and knife.
He’s a sotified blame!
by Saywhaaat20 August 2, 2020
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This is when there is a horrible piece of art or gross food on the table that needs to go away but there is not a polite way to remove it. So, you destroy it and then blame it on the ghost.
Person 1: What happened to that horrid, inspirational cat poster the boss put on the wall?

Person 2: I couldn’t stand it anymore and ripped it off the wall! What will I tell her?

Person 1: Blame it on the ghost! There is always some spooky shit going on around here.
by saskers December 8, 2019
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A form of shifting blame by which you blame your accusers for your problem, situation, transgressions, misdeeds, lies, etc.

A common example is when a couple argues. Typically when is caught cheating on the other. One partner will blame the other and the other will reflect it.

The arguement went long into the night as the couple continued reflecting blame onto one another.
by Theamazinggeek June 19, 2018
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Blame culture the act or practice of blaming someone for something they did or didn’t do and or absent of problem solving or solutionary strategies
. The homelessness activists squatting in the 10 year vacant home With their children were attacked by an intending SWAT team as a result of our societies Blame Culture.
by GMPR January 17, 2020
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When somebody does something wrong, but they can't own up to it. Whoever did it just says blame it on Alex. Even if there's no Alex in the room you have to blame it on him.
Really josh, you just spilled the milk on the floor!! "It's okay, Blame it on Alex"
by ChillBlinton February 15, 2017
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Someone who manically blames everything on others instead of taking responsibility for their wrongdoings.
Stop being such a gaslighting blame-o-maniac, Jessica!
by TiredKitten May 6, 2023
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