A derogatory term used by people who aren’t in band to describe people in band,

Most people assume that all people in band are band kids because some people (trumpets and trombones) give us a bad reputation
by Masked247 July 30, 2022
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(noun) A person who plays a musical instrument and is usually a social outcast who pulls absolutely zero bitches, along with having their humor stuck in 2017-2020. Not to be confused with a kid in band, who is usually just a person who enjoys music and is in a band.
"That band kid is kinda weird."
"I think he's special needs."
"What's good my fellow gamers? Wanna see me play the hub intro on my sax?"
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A ton of band kids are pretty fucking chill, but the other handful of kids are fucking annoying as shit, and there probaly gingers too 😔.
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023
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A stereotype used to refer to people who partake in band activities . They tend to use out of date words memes and tend to think they are funny when they are not. They tend to spend a lot of time on Reddit and don’t have many friends outside of their band circle. Also they tend to like the game undertale and like to hum the song of it and make sure everyone else suffers from it.
by Dolphin0510 June 18, 2022
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