A phrase used once something is completed. It originated from adding sprinkles to dessert after they were completed in easy bake ovens.
Lucy: The cake is done!



Lucy: I'm done sending all those emails

by LeoTheTruth April 2, 2012
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To make ones penis go deep enough to barely touching ones lungs during intercourse.
Baybee let me put it under your lungs.
by hulk smash dat hoe March 17, 2015
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When you get hot and heavy on the clitoris.
i.e. did you hear Jim last night? He bought that girl home and put weight on the bean.
by Nepenthes126 December 5, 2016
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An instruction to perform a predetermined action or series of actions swiftly.
When my driver education student took a turn across oncoming traffic excessively leisurely I barked "Put that peanut butter on the jelly, son!"
by Cleveland_50 July 17, 2019
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Instructing a mature women who shaves her pubic hair, like a baby, to grow it out and go natural.
by Alprazo November 11, 2017
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When you masterbate so vigorously that you build callouses along the sides of your shaft.
Johnny's been in prison so long that all he can do is keep putting on siding.
by Re85sa October 27, 2022
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