Bacon hugs are the fondest, most adoring hugs you can give someone. Means you love them more than bacon.
Spencer: How’s it going with the new guy, Logan?
Falisha: Ok, I think. But he sent me the bacon and the smiley hug emojis. Weird?
Spencer: What!? He’s way into you. It doesn’t get any better than Bacon Hugs. 🥓 🤗
by The Original Tankboy August 23, 2018
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A very evil lab >:)
Person 1: Hey where did Egg go?
Person 2: Bacon Lab.
Person 1: Oh.
by Becen Loob September 11, 2020
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Little flap between your hoo ha and booty hole from tearing during child birth. Usually caused by a bad patch job.
I was about to go to pound town till I saw her sphincter bacon smiling at me.
by I punch gorillas October 29, 2018
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Sarcastic term used by a lady for a guy with a major case of "one-sided willingness" --- da dude is always ready and eager to "open his zipper" (i.e., whip out his "sausage") anytime, but never seems all that motivated to "open his WALLET" (i.e., "share his bacon") to help you out financially, even with just basic stuff like groceries of household/repair materials.
Cool chick: So what's your new boyfriend like?
Hip girl: Oh, just yer typical pig --- generous with his sausage, but stingy with his bacon!
by QuacksO September 28, 2018
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When you leave bacon in the fridge for too long and it goes stale.
The gone off bacon tastes like cardboard.
by Debskelly1985 March 5, 2023
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Kevin-Baconing (verb): When you're stressed, mad or frustrated and all you can do is go to an empty warehouse (or whatever space is accessible to you at the time) and dance around—typically in a flailing manner—using machinery and other objects as gymnastics equipment to express your deepest emotions. Upon Kevin-Baconing, you feel like a weight has been lifted. You find that you are no longer the ghost of Kevin Bacon (aka Ren McCormack). Instead, you are yourself again... but way better.
Hey so I have to cancel plans tonight. Work was a real bitch. I'll be in my garage Kevin-Baconing until I feel better. Hit you up after.
by Tom Ato December 2, 2022
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Bacon specifically designed for the purpose of being consumed in a morning time slot and typically consisting of a higher fat content, may be substituted with alternative baconised items such as frazzles.

Often a dietary requirement of those suffering from bacon blues.
John: Have you had your breakfast bacon?
Lindsey: Yes, mmm, my favourite.
by Air Walker UK December 2, 2010
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