Someone who just spews 'jargen' at any given moment to ascend what he thinks is the social ladder but its actually just the degenerate ladder.

Potentially you may be idling and start to think of some random words you can construe in a completely unreasonable way and apply it to a scenario which does not relate or warrant them at all and then you start to change the words and formulate a story with characters that rhyme or half rhyme with your new words and then just go down the verbal-mental rabbit hole.
Person 1: "Major maggot brains healthy kids meals"
Person 2: "Majoris maggot brans healthy school meals"
Person 1 *while laughing*: "you're such a jargen-smith"
by Jargenite2000 May 23, 2019
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she thinks she can dance but she actually looks like a hobo trying to wank. she also tells girls to eat her out ans she says here shoes are designer but there the bobbing ton market
mis smith told me to eat here out
by I am Mr moose January 30, 2018
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Lilly Reid Smith is an amazing girl, she is incredibly talented, beautiful, cute and nice. she is my personal therapist sometimes and has helped me through so much
by YOURLOCALTRXSHBUG November 2, 2022
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