Manipulating someone into performing a service or favour on your behalf with the promise of bacon as the reward.
Brenda, have you tried bacon baiting Cyril into beating the pussy up?
by ElBee87 January 12, 2018
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magic pussy bacon is a ZAZA strand that's gon anally surprise u if more than 10gs are taken during one sitting
"NAHHH gang that magic pussy bacon had me anally surprised"
by A.random.bitch April 12, 2023
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Gargling his bacon or Gargling bacon is a euphemism for dick sucking popularized by the band ninja sex party's song "accept my shaft"
Susan stopped making out out with Johhny andwent down and started gargling his bacon
by Kelpsye April 18, 2016
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The act of closing your eyes whilst opening your mouth as wide as possible. Commonly used in a game format where one person will go hammered bacon while waiting for the other player to say “I see you”
The current hammered bacon record is held by Kyle from NJ. The victim of Kyle’s bacon hammering was Brendan from NJ.
Bro Casey went hammered bacon for 3 minutes before anyone realized.
by The Hammered Bacon Commission January 21, 2020
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Bacon hugs are the fondest, most adoring hugs you can give someone. Means you love them more than bacon.
Spencer: How’s it going with the new guy, Logan?
Falisha: Ok, I think. But he sent me the bacon and the smiley hug emojis. Weird?
Spencer: What!? He’s way into you. It doesn’t get any better than Bacon Hugs. 🥓 🤗
by The Original Tankboy August 23, 2018
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The Littles got ponies to ride and heard those chickens and truffle hunting hogs all over this lil chicken bacon ranch..
by Grey T September 30, 2023
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Referring to the way kevin bacon shakes his legs in the movie footloose. Usually when one drinks caffeine or gets anxious this can occur.
After drinking 3 espressos I started bacon legging
by Edub72 May 12, 2021
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