To be noodled means to be off your head on: E, Mdma, coke

When your are in the noodle stage your talking utter shit on drugs and don't have a clue what your talking about at this point of being fucked up no one is listening and everyone is literally ignoring you but you continue to talk for no reason, complete utter shite coming out of your mouth
"Haha ya off ya noodle you kid"
"Your absolutely noodled off ya tits"
"Am fucking noodled me"
by Got any valium m8? January 14, 2019
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When you mess up trying to call a sissy loser a limp noodle
Wow, look at Juliette. He’s such a limo noodle.
by Zyanabanana December 20, 2018
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a more advanced term for snek
person a: wowie! look at that daddy long noodle!
person b: you mean that snek?
person a: yeah same difference
by **lesbian goddess** April 10, 2019
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Tasty noodle with bits of chicken in it
Today i ate chicken noodle. Yum, it was good
by Suklaa March 24, 2018
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A Cooter Noodle is a tampon string that is hanging out of a vagina.
Her skirt was so short that her "cooter noodle" was showing!
by Tlyles1175 October 30, 2014
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when you cum on a blanket and it looks like the shape of a noodle
i couldn't find a towel so i butter noodled
by butter noodled January 20, 2017
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