Usually worn with pink shoelaces, a polka dot vest and a panama with a purple hat band.
Woman: Man, Dooley is rockin those tan shoes.
by RockLee'syouth January 29, 2021
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It's a term intended to make men insecure, or target a man's insecurities. It has no real meaning, but tends to offend people regardless.
"You seem like the type of person to have a shoe size 4. No offense."
by dumpsterbby November 19, 2021
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shoe flu is a temporary psychological disease when you associate yourself with a particular type of shoe, and getting that pair defines you.
Avril Lavigne had a shoe flu for Converse shoes.
by theGodWithManyWords November 24, 2016
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A term used for a slut who is generally passed around between friends
Geezer 1: Holy shit, Captain Ron is fucking Erin with an ice dildo!

Geezer 2: Fuck that skank is an old brown shoe!
by timmy scridlow November 8, 2008
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When a man gets sucked off in a field and jizzes that much that a bit drips out the givers mouth and stains there shoe!
After a night out quick head giving relating in full mouth and leaking into shoe.

Mouth to shoe
by Oooooosh May 18, 2012
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TreeShoes are what you call someone who thinks that if you pour water into them they will grow.
Stacy thought her heels were tree shoes. lmao stupid bitch
by FUCKILOSTIT November 4, 2020
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