Replaces the word that someone is saying with the world D
lets play


fuck you

"duck dyou"

the hell is that

"a d joke"

you mean dick?

"no a d joke"

by SwishyBro January 13, 2023
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Any joke that swif007 makes in chat
Wow that was an L joke swif, please spare us from more of those!
by ZebraOwner December 19, 2022
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funny lame joke
i need to pee
raeans 69 calculator joke!
raean: “press ‘=’”

grnevie: “presses equal”
calculator: “69”
genvei: “so lame”
by ineedtopeereallybad6969 September 18, 2021
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When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.
by lemonpopeanuts March 28, 2023
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A Guy who stares off obliviously at work. Often found sleeping on scalfing in the middle of construction site.
Is this a joke guy came into work today. That was a joke. This guy wasnt a joke the joke was the guy.
by Birdman Jenkins November 25, 2019
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A set level of joke quality that must be met, to the terms of the receiver of the joke. If this minimum is not met, it is punishible, by money, light slaps, or any other form of mild punishment.
*person 1 makes horrid joke*

Person 2 " That's a slap that violated the joke minimum."
by the mighty jungle September 11, 2016
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A pun that involves wordplay with "Ad" as an affix.
The very name of this is also a Bad-Joke, since Bad has "ad" included.
This is an ad-xemple
by TobinatorT800 May 26, 2021
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