A)Often used by delinquents to emphasise feeling towards somthing.

Synonym - dude

B) often used to replace similar words that doesn't necessarily have a paralell meaning.
A) WOOT! That was friggin' awsome!
B) Woot the hell are you talking about?
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Popular 'deal a day' website, woot.com, strays from its standard one item format about once a month bringing its customers many consecutive items. When one item sells out, it is replaced by another item almost immediately. This can go on for well over a day until it ends without warning, often with woot's infamous bag of crap!

A woot-off is signified by two flashing red lights below the item. As long as these lights are present, the woot-off is still going on.
David: "Great! I'm not getting any sleep tonight!"
Billy: "How come?"
David: "There's a woot-off going on! I HAVE to stay up!"
by Mr.3d PHD March 11, 2008
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"It's Wooting Time." is used when an osu! player uses a Wooting keyboard to stream a high amount of bpm. They do this using the feature 'Rapid Trigger' which Wooting has made specifically for their keyboards.
"300bpm?? It's Wooting Time."
by MaybePillow July 14, 2023
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A *poot woot* is a celebration that someone participates in after a satisfying flatulant.

Usually *poot woot* is written in chat rooms to express extreme satisfaction (mostly associated with a flatulant, but not always).

A *poot woot* is extra-ordinarily nasty, noisy, and long.

It is sometimes accompanied by a long line of periods,
".............................." to express the length of time the *poot woot* lasts.
Squirrel__"I just spent my afternoon in psychotherapy group session."

Sunshine__"What did you all talk about?"

Squirrel__"My Ovaries."

Lion__"*poot woot.....................*"

by James Kelly Williamson March 6, 2008
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A food commonly eaten by leet-speakers and pwnxxorz for breakfast. Often goes along with milk and LMAOnaise.
Mom: What do you want for breakfast honey?
Son: I want 10 pounds of woot-loops please so I can pwn the other team today.
by DarkestEvil October 14, 2007
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Cousin variant of "Cool Beans." It is a phrase used to describe abrupt excitement. Also used in conjunction with bragging/boasting to friends and or family.
Dude!!!@ I just won $80million in the lottery, <while mildly raising your hands towards the air and tilting your chin up and neck back, exclaiming....> WOOT BEANS!
by Dr. Weinerslave April 25, 2009
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a delightful expression of delight and excitement, followed by the swift arm movements up and down,using both arms, like a train driver pulling on two of his horns.
Mary-Betty: Hey Sue, theres a rawrsum party on tonight, your lover is going to be there.
Sue: "Woot Toot!" *moves arms up and down above head*
Mary-Betty: cya there weirdo!
by Anna loves modest mouse March 16, 2006
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