something that is hooked up with all the works
Dude your ride is tricked out
by LaLoka August 25, 2004
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Cyber trick is someone who webcams. (Something sexual it seems?) it is used in riverdale and it brings out Betty and Chics “dark side” when they webcam.
“I know where I know him from!”
“He’s a cyber trick! I’ve seen him webcam!”
by Lovemesomeshawn January 28, 2018
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1. Drug high
2. To become anxious do to the result of drugs
I was so trick last night.
by BBurz857 October 14, 2007
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Using a usb cord to smack a dab cart:

Cut the top off off a usb cord and peel back the colored sealing with toe nail clippers to reveal the wires. Stuck the black/non-colored wire up the bottom hole on your dab cart. Press the red wires to the side of the cart where it normal screws in. Use a big apple charging brick or off brand brick to plug into the wall.
The wire trick is so clutch when you don’t have a battery!!
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I girl who is owned by a pimp aka ben. they do whatever you say whithout asking questions. They may think they have power but they have none, all the power is held by the pimp once again aka ben
Ben's trick kathleen thinks she can beat him up but in reality she has no chance
by Pimp Ben March 17, 2009
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A bitchy old language arts teacher with no life and always complains.
by angrybadger998 March 20, 2014
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