Quite possibly the dumbest school district ever, EGCSD has hired some of the most professional teachers and bus drivers. Sexual encounters, touching students in gym class, writing derogatory statements about your boss in shit on the bathroom wall, and numerous teachers doing anything but teach are just a few examples of the fine professional staff. This disease ridden place is notable for the H1N1 outbreak that caused 500+ students to stay home sick on a single day. This is called the H1NFUN outbreak because of the joy that seeing kids sick brought to teachers. Mostly known as that place JWOWW went to. Studies have shown scumbags outnumber everyone else 10 to 1 at Columbia High School which is home to what is quite possibly the worst football team ever. If you were to ask if the football team won their most recent game you would be laughed at for asking such a dumb question. On St Patricks Day shirts are sold that say "Kiss me I'm from Columbia" unfortunately due to false advertising these shirts were supposed to say "Kiss me I have Herpes" the corrected shirts have not yet been made available so beware. This school is also known for poorly named policies such as Operation Electric Thunder which of course was a dismal failure. Not to be outdone by teachers and administrators getting pregnant each class has about 5 people who pollute the gene pool of upstate NY. The school’s dress code is hardly ever followed because teachers enjoy looking at the students dressed like sluts.
Administrator- "I would like nothing more than to remove you from the cafeteria in handcuffs"
primarily because handcuffs are highly erotic

Administrator in response to H1N1- "Wash your hands daily and sneeze into your armpit."

"East Greenbush Central School District, Land of the scumbags" -student
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A school district located in Lincolnshire, IL. This district is takes pride in academics. Many students score within the top 1% of the nation on standardized tests. It is one of the only schools to have received the Blue Ribbon Award five times. The schools in this district receives large sums of money from the property taxes of the mansions located near it. The school district is currently faced with many mental health issues, such as depression. Lucky, they have hired 6 social workers and 2 psychologists to handle the situation. The schools in this district are Daniel Wright Junior High School, Half Day Intermediate School, and Laura B. Sprague Elementary School. This school feeds into Stevenson High School.
Parent 1: "My straight-A kid came home with depression."
Parent 2: "Mine came home with that last year!"
Parent 1: "Seems to be common in Lincolnshire-Prairie View District 103."

Parent 2: "Must be from the homework."
by Wigism June 11, 2020
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Did you see him steppin out the club tonight? Bitches hanging all over him. He's a mobile red light district!
by ohhhhhhya January 26, 2011
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in your high school years of this esteemed organization, funded by PTO freaks and lowkey wino soccer moms, you'll embark on a wonderful journey of hallway hookups, big stall seshes, the crushing reality of your personal mortality, and self discovery. widely known as "THE PHARMACY", someone you know will OD within the first week of school and post about it afterward with the jarring caption of "just another silly day"... you'll likely develop an eating disorder as if you weren't already barely choking down your shitty cafeteria lunch after looking at that hollow red arrow next to your crush's name after he begged you to "make his night ;)". you'll be balls deep in assignments WHILE being reminded to "get outside and enjoy that weather!".. they're so sweet to think of you <3 now the genre of teachers that inhabit this prison range from 'Super Sick Nasty Chill Dad/Mom Would Name Ur Kid After' to 'WILL Rip Up, Eat, and Shit Out Your Dumb Fragile Teenage Emotions"... there is no in between... tread lightly. **WARNING** the current principle of this school has the eyes of a cold dead fish and will 100% stop u in the middle of a busy hallway to make u cover ur shoulders.** it'll be a dream!...as long as you disassociate the entire time :)

anyway don't go here... stay safe... homeschool or go off the grid instead <3
"great valley school district (3) is the root of irreversible trauma...but that one social studies teacher was so fine." (@ great valley middle school <3)
by boombastia September 7, 2023
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elementary school years: hotdogs blue and bouncy... do with that what u will.

4 elementary schools and 3 years of fresh middle school hell all preparing you for the 2 years of high school you're gonna complete before almost surely dropping out.. killing yourself... or getting pregnant during. but before an inevitable alcoholic era caused by the crushing weight of junior year, teachers gaslighting you into believing you didn't turn in that essay you pulled all nighters for, and upper class-men manipulating you into hitting a mango juul sums up your middle school experience... not to mention rumors of teacher affairs amongst other scandals... you'll be bullied, exhausted, and pressured into changing ever single thing about yourself...you'll make and lose more friends than you'll have in your entire life and join clubs and extra curriculars in hopes of social interaction, only to be met with social anxiety and an energy that reeksss of axe body spray, B.O, and desperation... the crushes you have on your 40 year old male teachers will stick with you forever... you'll never be able to get that image of yourself accidentally flashing the gymnasium out of your mind... your first kiss will be fucking atrocious...and you WILL want to die... but if i had to do it, you fucking do too.
"i went to great valley school district (2) and had to sell my entire large intestine to the mafia after i graduated.a'
by boombastia September 7, 2023
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A wonderful high school district that serves 8 municipalities in Burlington County, Located in southern New Jersey. The district is made up of four high schools (Lenape, Shawnee, Cherokee, and Seneca) as well as the Sequoia Alternate Program. Lenape High School located in Medford, New Jersey was the first high school that started it all. Being built in 1958 this high school serves students who live in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. The second school, Shawnee High School was built in 1971. This high school serves students that live in Medford and Medford Lakes, New Jersey. The third school, Cherokee High School, was built in 1975. This school serves students that live in Evesham Township, New Jersey. And the last one being the district's newest school, Seneca High School was built in 2003. This school serves students that live in Southampton, Shamong, Tabernacle, and Woodland Townships in New Jersey. These four high schools are what make up the Lenape Regional High School District.
Boy: Where do you go to school?
Girl: I go to Shawnee High school, part of the Lenape Regional High School District.
Boy: Oh, wow thats nice.
by JKU1245 February 5, 2011
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Cleveland district state high school in Australia is the lace to be, not. Druggos everywhere, drama everywhere and whores everywhere. Some boys are chill but others just wanna Fuck, most girls just want attention and drama but some can be chill. Teachers don't give a damn about students. Shitty school. If you want to achieve in sports then go here but otherwise don't because u will end up either a druggo or a Cunt.
by Bsifbfjd October 18, 2017
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