when you dance around with shampoo on your head and your all happy and shit.
Let us dance the happy-shampoo-dance!
Indeed, we shall!
(Crazy Indian music begins playing)
by Fluffy Marshmallow November 14, 2003
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When a male ejaculates in a woman's hair after penetrating her from behind and then procedes to rub it in like shampoo.
I just performed a fo sho shampoo on ur mom!
by camtheram June 1, 2007
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Ejaculating onto a female's body or hair and rubbing it in.
Man 1: She is just acting like a real bitch these days.
Man 2: Just giver her the ol' Man Goo Shampoo treatment.

Girl 1: What's wrong with your hair?
Girl 2: My asshole boyfriend came in my hair!
Girl 1: Why the fuck did he do that?
Girl 2: He said it was a "man goo shampoo", and it would make me a stronger person.
by Billy O'Connor August 21, 2010
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when a person washes his or her hair with the sexual fluids of his or her partner
I ran out of Pert Plus so i got Danny to squirt some axle piss shampoo on my hair so i could shower.
by will January 5, 2003
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