Any makeshift earplugs. They can be fashioned from toilet paper, cigarette butts, tampons, bullets, gum, or just nothing at all; and typically don't work very well. Sometimes worn only after years of loud music and sustained hearing loss causes an adjustment of habits.
Punker 1: Yo, this band is LOOOOOOUUUUUUUD!!!

Punker 2: WHAAAAAAAAT? Can't hear ya; wearin punk rock ear plugs!!!... half deaf already!!!

Punker 1: You have Beth ready?!!!!

Punker 2: HALF DEAF ALREADY!!!!!!

Punker 1: You have METH READY?????
by braddelcat November 8, 2009
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We all know you have these in your town. The 'odd one out'. A black human being who is demonstrating their 'uniqueness' by shopping at Hot Topic, galavanting around with the white kids who have mohawks.

they come complete with spikes on their jacket, lace-up stomp boots, and custom made band shirts. The classical black kid makes fun of these PRNS. You kinda feel bad. But then you laugh.

I guess you could say these sex pistols-loving niggas march to the beat of a differant drum. (A non triabl african one, of course.)
"Yo, Hannah and Jackie--LOOK AT THAT PRN (Punk Rock Nigger)! IM MORE BLACK THAN HIM!"

"Yeah, so my son is a PRN (Punk Rock Nigger). I dont know where i went wrong, Latisha."
by K-Dawg . January 3, 2006
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crap 'phrase' made to stereotype to completely different styles or rock into one so some dumbarsed pop/hip hop/r&b/woteva loving twat can TRY and insult ppl because they like a style of music, it takes a lot less talent to get ppl to write lyrics 4 u and stand in front of a camera saying them to a beat
"people who use 'gay goth punk rock' are uncultured idiots"
by Charlie February 20, 2004
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"crap 'phrase' made to stereotype to completely different styles or rock into one so some dumbarsed pop/hip hop/r&b/woteva loving twat can TRY and insult ppl because they like a style of music, it takes a lot less talent to get ppl to write lyrics 4 u and stand in front of a camera saying them to a beat"

I agree a 100% with that, I don't listen to pop rock or goth rock per se, I listen to metal. KoRn has some gothic influence as far as tone of some of their songs, especially Blind. SOAD is more punk leaning as far as lyrics and melody.
Maybe I should ask a DJ at a prom to play some classic "gay goth punk rock" hits like Blind by KoRn or Sugar by SOAD. Can't think of a better way to shock these MTV trend-whoring pop/rap junkies.
by Sam February 25, 2004
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A person who usually listens to heavy metal, i.e slipknot and linkin park etc.
Usually wear all black clothes, never skirts or any other colour-Hates other colours-pink,blue,green. Play guitar and head bang non stop.
They usually have peircings, in places such as there eybrows and lips and tongues.
A person wearniga black trousers, black tee shirt black hoodie, spiked necklace, spiked bracelet, spikes poking out of there eybrows, black hair, or brown with black streaks.
by Joss March 29, 2005
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The guy made the definition obviously hasn't heard a full song from Korn or SOAD, much less tried to learn or interpet their lyrics. Probably saw their music videos once on MTV, and changed the channel after 5 seconds because they looked different. Most likely a trendy-ass music prep that listens to nothing but pop and (c)rap shit played on TRL and doesn't know the difference between a punk and a goth. I'm not crazy about Slipknot and haven't heard of saliva, but anyone that calls Korn or SOAD gay are trying too soft to handle their music or too dumb to appreciate their artistry(especially that of SOAD).
by Sam February 15, 2004
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Noun - a person who has a distinctively unique view on life.
Look at Joey in his Slayer hat and Mifits hoodie playing a Bratz doll game at home on Saturday night. He’s a real punk rock n*gger!
by Youtrippin_2 January 22, 2023
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