A codeword for copyrighted material shared without permission, usually over P2P networks.
I've downloaded so much Linux ISOs I don't have space left on my harddrive.
by felix852 January 9, 2008
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Ubuntu, sans the bloat and malfunctions.
Oneiric Ocelot is a bug-ridden piece of garbage, so I switched to Linux Mint.
by DaWaZzUpMaN December 22, 2011
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Linux box is a type of "box" that runs... linux, surprise surprise.

A box is geek speak for a computer. It's based on the fact that no matter what marketing spin and terrible contoured shapes corporations put on computers, they are still basically beige boxes.
Person A: So what do you have at home?
Person B: A couple Windows systems, a Mac... my pride and joy is my linux box.
by SANTANGELO July 22, 2005
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When a woman uses a computer mouse to touch her clit. especially the rolly bit on the bottom. She then rubs her breasts over the keyboard and licks her modem until she cums.
Girl on internet chat: Oh yeah, feels so good!
Guy: Damn girl, Linux that screen!
by Maximusx3 April 26, 2009
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The best way to spam urbandictionary.com with propaganda and idiotic bullshit
Linus Torvalds is our god, long live Linux, windoze is for losers that don't know how to use a computer.
by discostewpid January 15, 2012
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Somone who Zealously defends the superiority of the Linux operating system. The typical Linux Zealot hangs around a forum or IRC channel and answers questions that blatently refer to Microsoft windows with questions like "What operating system are you using?" or replies with instructions that relate to Linux.
Many Linux Zealots know very little about the operation of the Linux operating system and are simply trying to gain respect from fellow Linux users.
I went to a linux help channel to ask how to make this software work but I was called a lamer and told to read the documentation which from what I can tell dosen't exist.
by Kang June 18, 2004
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systemd-free arch linux
Artix Linux Installer: DId you know that systemd is an agent
by Milkiekid March 6, 2021
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