Fuckalyoot he tryna get some suckleyang (phrase): A playful expression used among friends to describe someone's interest in obtaining a hairstyle where the colors white and black gracefully blend into one another, reminiscent of the yin-yang symbol. It signifies a desire for a visually striking and balanced haircut, symbolizing harmony and embracing duality. The phrase is a jovial way of referring to a friend's stylistic aspirations, emphasizing their pursuit of a distinctive look
Hey, my man! I see you rocking that new hairstyle with the white and black fade. Fuckalyoot he tryna get some Suckleyang Looking sharp, embracing that yin-yang vibe!
by I actually don't wiem July 4, 2023
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It's what you say when you're traveling for business, typically at a trade show or event, and you want to go back to your hotel room to use the crapper.
Listen guys, I'll be back in a bit. I gotta go get some work done.
by sprtagt May 10, 2011
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This statement is usually used as verbal sexual harassment for the purpose of an attempt at seduction. The statement implies lending the speaker the use of one's ass, presumably for sex. In a sentence, this is most effective when shouting from a distance, such as from a moving car, or the second story of a building.
Four men are riding in a car. One see an attractive female, but knows he cannot actually seduce her for reals, so he decides to shout out to window at her. His statement of choice is "Gurrrrl, let me get some booty up off you!"
As the girl turns, he receives some self-satisfaction.
by MyronLives August 30, 2011
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a filler, best when randomly inserted in a monologue. first used by Serj Tankian in the Axis of Justice tour, during the song Charades, sung by Serj, and the piano performed, by Serj.
and so i told him, dont sell the penguin, but he sold it anyways, so i killed him, ahahaha... can i get more piano please? and the bush was on fire, and it was talking to me...
by ratm fiend June 1, 2005
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