A pale skinned fagget that no one likes. He hangs out with people, but they all secretly hate him. His head is abnormally small compared to his broad shouldered body. Oh man tom is just the equivalent of retarded.
" Who's that pale skinned fucker over there"
"Oh that's just Tom"
" Is he dying?"
" No he's just that pale"
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The sexiest boy on the planet, who knows how to make a girl feel amazing and very loved

Everyone needs a Tom in their life <3
Hey look it's tom

ohh damn i wish he was mine :P
by Lozzieee February 13, 2012
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The creator of MySpace, once a computer game hacker when he was 14 years old, who will one day brainwash the innocent minds of teens all over the world.
He will not stop until he has all the friends in the world. Tom MySpace
by Nobue March 17, 2009
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Probably one of the most generic people on earth, often has his name forgotten by others, or isnt even recognized. Also referred to by the name "John Doe"
Tom: hey guys!
jane: "wow that guy is such a John Doe, he has been at this school for six years now, i can't even remember his name"
Sam: "lets just not speak to him to save our selves from sheer emberassment"
by tom generic January 21, 2009
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Stupid ginger homosexual bum who pretends to have a girlfriend but really dates blokes
Tom is dating some man from the pub, his life revolves around playing computer games, getting pissed and homosexual activity
by Tom Bosworth September 24, 2008
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Tom is a really great guy and if you know a Tom, you might be the luckiest person in the world! Tom is always good looking and never fails to look bad, even on their darkest days. Tom is happy, even when they are having a hard time. He's caring and never fails to bring a smile to one's face and whenever one of his friends are down, he always finds a way to spontaneously cheer them up! In general, Tom is a great guy!
Girl 1: "You know that really cute guy who always asks if you're ok?"

Girl 2: "Yeah, Tom?"
Girl 1: "He's really cool, don't you think?"
Girl 2: "Yeah, i know! He's also super cute!"
by Wolfbud46 July 2, 2017
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