Phrase used by Leftist journalists to invoke Red Scare-esque fear into the populace. It can mean anything from your favorite salad dressing, Russian dressing, or your great-uncle, Yuri, to a buddy from your study abroad program who lives in Russia.
The President of the United States and his cabinet have many Russia connections including that one Russian Scientist who gave a presentation on global warming.
by Chris Pratt's Husband November 2, 2017
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New Russia is a successful nation discord server lead by Ur_Yoinked2, it represents the current Russia with a mix of the Soviet Union and is communist, it has more than 1000 members and a very cool server.
-LoS conflict; a war between nation servers within the League of Servers against The Authority, Rome and the Berlin Pact
-NR-SU war; a war which occurred when New Russia was only around 100 members, yet it claimed victory over their 300+ members enemy server.
-TA/NR cold war, rising tensions between The Authority and New Russia, while there never really was a war declaration, the tensions were high and there was a lot of threatening, a war almost started after The Authority occupied a close ally of New Russia. Luckily, this cold war came to an end.

-GSU invasion: censored

Despite many thinking so, New Russia does not support raiding, as it is against the Terms of Service and guidelines against ToS, and no matter the wars New Russia has been involved in, their military has never been used for raiding purposes.
John: hey man, I've seen you online on discord all day, what are you doing on there?

Max: oh I just joined this new server called New Russia, it has over 1000 members and is super cool, you should totally check it out on disboard!
by Cykachu April 15, 2021
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Commonly known as the USSR, it was a communistic country until 1991. Know, it's know for being the main joke that's the opposite of the united states.
Soviet Russia was the reds before the Chinese.

In Soviet Russia urbandictionary add you!
by kingjt13 March 4, 2009
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1. "...a scandal that we've been referring to as 'Stupid Watergate', because it has all the potential consequences of Watergate but everyone involved is REALLY stupid."

A conspiracy consisting of arguably the greatest act of treason against a sovereign nation since Guy Fawkes' failed assassination attempt of King James I.

The premise is very simple and easy to understand; members of Donald J Trump's Presidential Campaign and transition team exchanged quid pro quo (this for that) involving help getting Donald Trump elected 45th president of the United States from Russian Nationals acting on behalf of and including Russian Autocrat Vladimir Putin through targeted social media propaganda utilizing a combination of Russian voter registration & record hacks and Steve Bannon's/Robert Mercer's 'Cambridge Analytica' to disseminate said data and micro-target individual voters through disinformation campaigns designed specifically to influence their likelihood of voting in a non favorable way towards Donald Trump becoming PotUS.

2. A fake conspiracy imagined up by butthurt snowflakes who lost an unlosable election to a populist political neophyte who tapped into the roots of middle class working America en-route to the greatest political upset in American Political History.
1. Trump Russia is quite literally the most obvious and inept conspiracy ever perpetrated successfully against the United States of America.

2. F***ing libtards always whining about that made up horses*** Trump Russia 'conspiracy' because of fake news MSM instead of investigating the real crooks $hillary and Obummer's Uranium One dealings with the Russian's. Enjoy the next 6 months as THE_DONALD locks HER UP! #MAGA
by Nostradumas December 28, 2017
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The beginning of WW3โ€ฆ
russia and ukraine are now at war, which is most likely the beginning of WW3
I see china invading taiwan, then N korea invading S korea, then ww3 starts in europe
by wandamaximoffismilfhornyslut February 26, 2022
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