When you're dicking a girl while she is on her period and as you pull out for an almighty final thrust you see blood all over your dick and gushing out of her.
Me "I was dicking your mum as usual and didn't know she was on her period!"
You "What why were you dicking my mum?!"
Me "Fuck that I texas chainsaw massacred her"
You "What does that mean"
ME "I got blood all over my dick and got the fuck out of there!"
by Beansytein the third March 9, 2018
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The big shit you take after eating a load of fried chicken (especially its from Brown's Chicken).
"I had a bucket full of Brown's Chicken and pasta last night and this morning did a Browns Chicken Massacre on my toilet."
by Are2Dee2 December 3, 2010
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If I remember correctly, the Davidians fired first at the ATF agents, wounding many of them severely...It was only after they fired first that the FBI decided to go in with there tank. The Davidians were involved in illegal acts (Um, the weapons they fired at ATF agents were illegal weapons) and they were stock piling weapons, with the possible intent to overthrow government organizations. They got what was coming to them in my opinion, and i firmly stand beside those ATF and FBI agents who took the davidians down.
see above see above see above see above
by JxGx928 April 29, 2005
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When you jizz in a girl's ear and beat her to death with a rock of kryptonite.
"Marcy wouldn't make me a sandwich so i Texas Krypton Massacred her. By the way that means i beat to death with kryptonite after jizzing in her ear.
by arex poopy December 29, 2011
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A mass killing exactly three seconds long, done by the three second walrus, that glittering fiend! They are very hard to escape, as the walrus will always have the element of surprise, so take Scar's advice and BE PREPARED!
"Omg, Eric and his brother were murdered by a walrus! It was a three second massacre!"
by MagnificentRikki November 16, 2012
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A massacre that happened in Amargosa Valley at U.S. top secret facility Area 51 on Sept. 20, 2019. We lost over five hundred thousand of our best redditers that day.
Presidential tweet moments after the Great Area 51 Massacre:

"Yesterday, Sept 20, 2019—a date which will live in infamythe United States of America's top secret facility was deliberately attacked by millennials and Gen Z forces by the empire of Reddit."
by DidacticDolphin July 13, 2019
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