Technical type of gay sexual action involving 3 people, where 2 hold the victim in a particular manner and the third performs the act!
Today I jeremyed Ross and it was delightful
by fb2003 August 17, 2011
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Usually described as an asshole who goes around in grocery stores to specifically play a game where they masturbate on the people in line and try not to get caught.
Dude 1: Dude, whats that on your back?

Dude 2: I don't know, I'm afraid to touch it.

Dude 1: Did you go to the store by our house? Because there are a lot of Jeremys hanging out around there.
by el dudarino February 16, 2011
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He's the jerk you go on one date with and then you decide, "yeah this is a mistake". Then he gets pissed and feeds everyone lies.
person: "OMG did you hear what Jeremy said about you?!"
me: "yep"
by cinnamonroll123456789 March 9, 2020
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Jeremy's are the type of guys that hate "MOST" black people. They can be very racist too. He also is normally gay, a school shooter, and wants to be a professional golfer. If you come across a Jeremy, don't make a joke about their height or anything about them, they can be very sensitive.
Friend-"Yo Jeremy, how's the weather down there?"

Jeremy-"*sniffles* stfu"
by Jayden Flamingo June 16, 2019
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sometimes pronounced "germy" by intellectuals, Jeremy is a medium-sized gay man who lost weight but is still fat. He seems to think his RSX is fast, but never drives it. Jeremy likes scaly porn and is usually out of work. Despite being a grown adult, he usually speaks like an infant. He is scared of sand.
wow Jeremy is a total fart-knocker, lets bounce
by Big T, the small D March 22, 2020
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A winey piece of shit that thinks everyone cheated.usually the youngest and dumbest
Jeremy is such a pussy
by Truthteller420024 November 28, 2017
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