a subconscious mess up of Flynn my brother,

Message from subconscious was,
That fat milf my master not mark ya,
Milf is a girl name genitalia
I can't understand flim half the time, but now he has a pedophile watching him some father I had named brain chose it, even explained it.
by Mineowedwus August 12, 2022
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Something you say to your mum when you can't find something, moments before she instantly out of nowhere finds it.
Timmy: Mum? I can't find it.
Mum: *does magic shit, before summoning it out of thin air.* SEE I FOUND IT UR DUM-ASS EYES
by crazedLunatic May 10, 2022
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Do you know why? I do. And I could tell you what to do (in specificity) to fix the problem. Money back guaranteed. It's actually a good story.
"I can't fine my jab"

Hym "Ooo I want to tell him so bad! But I don't want to give it away. But I KNOW exactly what's going to happen. He's going to pay his coach. Instead of me. And I'm not going to get any credit. And that would be lame. But I'll do it. I can't do it here because I'll give it away. And I'm correct. It's good."
by Hym Iam September 14, 2023
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When the blister already burst and you can't put a Compeed brand band aid on it
"Try putting on a Compeed" - "Nah, bitch's already burst, i can't compeed!"
by Myam13 March 30, 2021
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