Juiced Hoss. Man of extreme stature, who likes getting railed in the shower.
by MOB YO January 8, 2018
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big ass sexy man cock is there biggest in the world and are the strongest
girl 1 :omg is that Big Hoss i want to see him tonight
girl 2 : ikr
by poopyniger June 27, 2022
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"Stud-hoss" is, loosely, a spin of hoss. It's also a mocking of the colloquial pronunciation of "stud horse" by a redneck. A stud horse is, of course, a horse whose sole purpose in life is to breed. You should only say this about yourself, though.
"How can she say no? I'm a complete stud-hoss!"
by Jacob December 5, 2004
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to go on some kind of adventure, usually with a motorised vehicle.(dirtbike, golf cart, slash drunken mission)
Hey Derek, lets go for a hoss on the sleds, get some brews.
by christopher james glassow April 13, 2007
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The Coolest Guy in the world. simply awesome.
That Guy Is so Cameron Hoss
by Ho$$ da boss August 31, 2011
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When someone is being too much of an intense bad ass to realize their true dickish nature
Guy 1: I'm gonna kick your ass bitch!

Guy 2: Relax hoss, you must of Boflexed to hard last night
by GamerDude652 April 3, 2014
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1. n. In the sport of Hoss-Toss, the Hoss Basket is the yellow basket placed in front of the Hoss Stand.
Scott just cant seem to find the Hoss Basket tonight.
by Rockmjd23 November 18, 2003
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