Hayden is the absolute worst thing to ever exist on our glorious planet earth. He look like fuck, he smell like fuck and he acts like fuck, he is fuck. Not only that but he is the worst person to talk to about literally anything, he's not funny in the slightest, his personality is equivalent to dogshit and last but not least, he's a faggot.
"hey Hayden, my whole family burned to death in front of me in a car crash"
Hayden: "lol, guess you got the victory royale" **throws baby at wall**
by Mr ThiccNut September 19, 2018
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It is a person that worships himself, yet is also his own god all in one.
"I'm so awesome. I mean come on look at me!"
"dude stop being a Hayden."
by Hepalmer January 25, 2011
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A huge jerk, dick, man whore. Relitivly hot but has a HUGE ego. Smart yet never shows it for fear of being an outsider. Jerk face.
Girl #1: and then he just dumped her!
Girl #2: Wow he is such a Hayden.
by Elly Manster August 26, 2010
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Hayden is a name, for both girls and guys. Guys named Hayden, are just flat out gay and prissy but girls named Hayden are beautiful, talented and accomplished.
1. Guys
person 1: OMG, here comes Hayden.
person 2: Why did he read Twilight? I mean like no one would call him gay if he hadn't read it.
person 1: He'd still be gay, just because he's Hayden.

2. Girls
person 1: OMG, here comes Hayden.
person 2: Why did she enter all of those talent competitions? I mean like no one would call her talented if she didn't.
person 1: She'd still be talented (and beautiful and accomplished), just because she's Hayden.

by Bob The Fifteenth December 29, 2009
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"Hey, isn't this movie aweso- GOD DAMNIT ARE YOU ASLEEP ALREADY? Fucking heck, you Hayden."
by SippinOnFire June 16, 2016
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Hayden is a cool yet boring guy. He loves to game and hang out with friends. His favourite times are spent with family. He loves food more than anything in the world. Hayden has scruffy brown/blonde hair, has green eyes and is an average height. He is smooth around the ladies but can also get very nervous.
Example A
Girl 1: Who's that guy coming over here?
Girl 2: That's Hayden. He talks smoothly but can get very nervous around me aswell.

Example B
Boy 1: That's my boy Hayden walking over. He's a gamer guy.
Boy 2: Looks like he loves food too. Heavyweight LOL.
by John Joe Kelleher August 18, 2019
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Hayden is a self-absorbed Joc that loves his video games and will do anything for his family.can be a good friend at times. That he will never did not putting up a fight with you. He is very prideful and handsome. His smile will make your heart melt.
You are so obsessed with Hayden
by Menial mat January 2, 2019
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