the non-indoctrinized mentally-ill parties who refuse to conform with polite society or adhere to its anal-retentive rules; they obey their own agenda and are mean-minded in a Clint Eastwood way; they want what is best for themselves and themselves only; it smacks of psychopathology, but is still different; it is as if they are on the outside looking in on polite society.
that man bumped into me and did not even say excuse me and then ignored me; he must be lunatic fringe
by Paulytaz January 10, 2023
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You want to love him/her but you feel so scred that they don't feel the same way or there is just somthing in the way that you want to sit and cringe in you bed all day
"Dude, i really like her but she just broke up with her boyfriend, we have such a Fringe love."
by After Life Definer July 4, 2017
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Someone who often uncontrollably falls asleep to the popular american TV series Fringe.
Guy 1 "Dude, my girlfriend never has sex with me coz she always falls asleep during Fringe."

Guy 2 "Mate she is a total Fringe Sleeper"
by Ralthster March 26, 2012
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When you do certain things in life that seem clever, cool and/or trendy but when looked back on later on, is extremely cringe, shameful and/or stupid
Remember in Tom's fringe phase, he stretched his ears to fit huge tunnel earings and tattood a ring of d*cks around his ankle.
by Twi66y December 23, 2021
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Really cool dude, who likes to deal😏
He is so a gass fring👌🏼
by DanieKamel April 22, 2017
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When you accidentally shave a tiny bit of your head at the front, and then it grows back under your fringe (or bangs if you are American) and when someone lifts up your fringe, there is a shorter bit of hair under it and it makes you frown. >:(
Person: Haha, you have a mini-fringe!
Other person: *sticks tongue out*
by DeathByFeathers February 14, 2010
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