Wondering if someone has a girlfriend/boyfriend to know if they can hit
1: Damn he fine. Who's mans is this?
2. Nah he's single
by DaddyTomaselli March 27, 2017
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Some jack off walking around who is just killing the flow of the conversation.
Person A: Yo did you see the emoji movie yet?
Person B: Wait, yo who's mans to your left?
Person A: Who's mans?
by Mans #69 August 7, 2017
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When you sit a girl on a stool, and shit on her head. you then marinate your hand in the shit, and spin her in a clockwise direction while slapping her in a counterlockwise motion. After she has been covered, from head to toe, with feces, you kick her in the asshole, and pee on her sister,and scream "I am the man bitches..."
The bitch acted tuff; it got a little dirty But I ran a "Who's The Man" On Her
by Deez ums November 6, 2007
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The question yelled by a person who has just done something amazing. If anyone answers by yelling 'You da man!' then this person has succeeded at being awesome. However, if nobody answers then this person has failed.
"...I am never saying that again."
by LeggyBerg December 10, 2011
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An insult*, usually used as a comeback when someone insults your credibility, swag, and sexual orientation. This means many things:

1. By asking him, "Who's yo mans?" you are implying that he is gay and has a pimp.

2. You are calling him a bitch.

3. You are saying that he can't do shit without asking his pimp, and that he's the bottom bitch in his homosexual relationship
Using the word "nigga'' at the end will undoubtedly increase the ghetto-ness of the phrase but also imply you are not fucking around. A simple example of this is provided below.

*Can also be used jokingly around good friends.
Tyrone: Ay Dwayne, I heard your Yeezys ain't real.

Dwayne: The fuck did you say? Who's Yo Mans? Huh? Who's Yo Mans, nigga?
by Specks September 19, 2012
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A man who you may or may not be involved with. Regardless of your relationship in real life, in your head, he’s yours. You can say “my man” and your friends know exactly who you’re talking about even though this man has no idea.

In some cases, this term can be used synonymously with “Situationship.”
Ally: My man just texted me.
Sam: You have a man?

Ally: I mean, he’s my man who’s not my man.
Sam: Ohhh, gotcha.
by Alyx $ky January 19, 2022
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