Used in place of a person's name when you forget their name, but you think the person you're talking to knows who it is.
Billy- "Dad, is Mr. ... what's his face? ... taking you to the airport for your business trip, or do you need a ride?"

Dad- "Oh, Mr. Smith? No, actually I fired him this morning. Can you take me before you go to work?"

Billy- "Sure Dad, since you're the greatest!"
by DeJo January 22, 2008
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The face chicks get when they see something or someone that they feel they're too good for. It usually consists of cringing the nose, raising the upper lip, inhaling deeply, and squinting as if something stinks horribly.
Joe: "Dude, d'ya get that chick's number?"
Dick: "Na man, I introduced myself and she gave me the "What stinks?" Face."
by MattyA April 22, 2008
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1. Used by friends to define the new guy
2. Girls use this term to define each others new boyfriends because girl is a slut
3. A boy who is easily forgotten
1. George, get whats his face
2. Mary that whore is going out with whats his face
3. Hey! Its whats his face
by KissuKiruAi March 14, 2005
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What's-your-face, is a term said by one when s/he cannot remember or doesn't know another person's name. The term's origins state that it was first used for forgotten names, but has been adapted to unknown names as well. The usage of the term varies with the case (see example).
Unknown name: "Hey, what's-your-face, can you hand me that?"
Forgotten name: "Uhhh, what's-your-face, Roger! What was the score for last night's match?
by shazzy.ed January 3, 2014
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Annoying as fuck combination of words that dosent indentify a person, it is essantialy identifying their face!
Dude1: Dude, i smoked out that one girl, um whats-her-face? uh-

Dude 2: Dude, stop right there, are you asking what her face is, or asking who she is? If you want to know who she is, then fucking say Whats-her-name!
by imrightbitch! September 5, 2006
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That funny guy that sits at the front of his classes and is actually awsomely kewl. Ben Whats-His-Face is probably not your friend though.
I love that guy ... you know ... Ben Whats-His-Face!
by Benji101 January 16, 2007
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