1. Vomiting in blog comments
2. Spewing forth from one's brain
1. They read his post and immediately began vommenting in the comment section.
2. Rather then think about her comment, she vommented onto the screen mindlessly.
by Kelly Siara June 13, 2007
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adj. Comments, posts, videos, etc. on Facebook that make third party readers literally or figuratively want to vomit because of it’s lovey-dovey, cutesy and sometimes grotesque ( if people sharing said vomments are nasty) content.
They are not cute together, and neither are the vomments they leave on eachother's walls.
by hanhopehaw July 10, 2011
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"vom ment" :

verb: the act of reading a comment that makes you want to vomit
noun: a comment that makes you want to vomit
as a verb: Her constant negativity causes me to vomment.
by Needa Xanex October 8, 2018
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(Noun.) The result of verbal diarrhea online. (Verb.) When someone offers their vomit as a comment.
Karen once vommented, "35 and still working in fast food? Lol, I have no sympathy."
by SpruceTheBruce May 22, 2021
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A disingenuously positive comment on Facebook by someone who really feels the opposite.
Did you read Frank's vomment on my Facebook? I know he's really jealous and doesn't think I deserve the award.
by pennythek September 28, 2010
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an off color comment. online or otherwise, which gushes forth with no thought of consequence or forethought, typed or spoken in haste as if drunk.
Their friendship ended the moment that Mark vommented on Danny's post about his deceased grandmother.
by freaky mcstyles January 17, 2014
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The mean, ugly, rude, disgusting, vile and crude things people say in the Comments.
I wish I hadn't read the vomments in the comments. People suck!
by Italicana December 30, 2020
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