VIET means "Bring The Pain"
It is a war cry, (like Ooorah! in the US Marines) but on an artist level. Musicians have been the most common user of this word, using it to pump themselves up usually before taking stage or even as a congratulatory comment to each other or other bands, and have shown great allegiance to it's power and strength. It is said to originate from Canberra, Australia in 2009 from an unknown gh-o-st source.

"Good luck man, VIET"
"You guys did a great set, VIET.."
by Daemonend March 16, 2010
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A stupid bitch and a drug dealer and addict. He is an idiotic person who loves drugs and cocaine
by Viet Nguyen November 18, 2019
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A term used towards someone that is being annoyingly mean. Vietnamese people can be annoying and mean without knowing it. Use this term to remind your friends that they're being annoyingly mean.
synomyms: butthole
person 1: lmao, you're so dumb
person 2: ugh, you're so viet
by cochmoney October 18, 2019
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The Viet Minh, or League for the independence of Vietnam, was a nationalist organization that was created during World War II. It was an underground army established by Ho Chi Minh fighting against foreign occupation by using guerrilla warfare. The Viet Minh de-emphasized the communist social revolution to attract broadest possible coalitions. After Germany had conquered France, German's ally, the Japanese, moved into Vietnam. Japan did not have enough resources to rule over Vietnam as France had. The lack of control over the Vietnamese led to the formation of many nationalist organizations. The most effective being the Viet Minh.
In 1960, the National Liberation Front (NLF) was founded by the main members of the Viet Minh. The NLF operated in South Vietnam and swore to overthrow the South Vietnamese government in order to reunify Vietnam. The Viet Minh began to fade as their members began to join the NLF. During the French Indochina War (1946–1954), the VPA (Vietnam People's Army) was often referred to as the Viet Minh. In the context of the Vietnam War (1959–1975), the army was referred to as the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) or the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN). This allowed the U.S. Military, and the general public, to distinguish northern communists from the southern communists, or Viet Cong. However, northerners and southerners were always under the same command structure.
by Dancing with Fire June 21, 2011
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The Communist-led guerrilla force and revolutionary army of South Vietnam.
The Viet Cong had their first victory of the Vietnam War at the Battle of Ap Bac in January 1963, which was followed by the overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem and an increasingly less stable South Vietnam.
by Dancing with Fire September 8, 2012
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