1. Sicko sex addict (50%)
2. Asshole douchebag (45%)
3. Someone like me who just likes putting weird stuff out there please don't judge (4%)
4. Someone who actually wants to help people (1%)
MOST urban dictionary users sucks, some are actually nice, and some, like me, are just weird.
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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Totally, like, the best people out there. They post funny stuff, and make people cri... laugh, all the time. Like seriously, they make such great names for people sent from like God himself.

But in all honesty, please, many of us are sick of scrolling three pages to see the same description for a different name, Every. Fucking. Time.

An Honest user
There are way too many examples for this, but there’s a key thing in using it: it’s always sarcastic.
Ex: I sure love those Urban Dictionary Users. Don’t we all? -sarcastic ass laugh-
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sad homeless cunts who wont publish my fucking words
your a urban dictionary user
by buckfast brand September 5, 2018
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Liberals who can't understand how to use a comedy website. Note the fact that not all liberals do this, just the ones who feel the need to interject their political views into everything because they think that Donald Trump will magically decide to step down because some people cried about it on the internet
I'm a liberal, but these Urban Dictionary Users are being so annoying.
by MyNameIsFish March 28, 2017
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A group of mostly whining punk teenagers, 20- and 30-somethings (with myself and a few others as exceptions) who declare all Republican thought to be evil or satanic because of their incompetent and uninformed beliefs about liberalism being the best way to go. Often will bash Presidents such as Bush and Reagan, or conservative-thinking geniuses such as Sean Hannity to make their "anti-establishment" point, even though the anti-establishment age of whiny punk rock was over with the last of Nirvana's new music. The epitome of a group who fights for a hypocritical cause, demanding free speech, press, and etc, while trying to censor and bar conservative thought for reasons the overwhelming majority could never possibly fathom. More often then not these teenagers know nothing about real politics, the success of or the word Reaganomics, or real life as it is.
Urban Dictionary Users: Wow, the government sucks. Reagan didn't save the economy or end the Cold War, Clinton did. Liberalism and free downloads for life!!! Fuck the establishment!

Sane Person: Get a life and a job, punk loser. Why don't you learn about the news before talking fake trash about it. Moron.
by Reagan is #1 March 4, 2006
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You are a user that somehow stumbled upon this definition, you may or may not approve it. These people are the most brutally honest people when it comes to the internet. To the person reading this definition, this is you, this is all of us.
''Are you a Urban Dictionary User?''
''Hell yeah.''
by heretoraidanddestroy October 1, 2020
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someone who posts stuff that has nothing to do with anything anyone would know about except them. like... the "definition" of a name of some dude they know. who friggin cares?
someone published a definition of "barry", that being "a stupid guy" or something retarted like that. what a stuipd urban dictionary user.
by chester January 30, 2004
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